Heal 'n Sole

Heal 'n Sole

Heal 'n Sole

Wellness ✦ Reflexology

Brand Identity

Web Design

Business Strategy

Heal 'n Sole is a Reflexology and Meditation Consultancy business located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

We helped them put together a digital brand identity and website to connect with their ideal target audience while also providing business strategy consultancy to help achieve their business goals.

  • Complete business branding (Logo, Fonts, Color Palette, etc)

  • Modern scalable website with online booking and blog.

  • Strategy consulting for marketing, sales and pricing.

  • Double weekly bookings as a result.

The Problem

Heal 'n Sole faced difficulties in connecting with their target audience and achieving business growth. Although they created a basic website and email newsletter, they lacked brand identity and digital marketing strategies. Consequently, the business stagnated, leaving them without clear direction. Seeking assistance, they looked for expert guidance to identify the right course of action.

The Solution

We worked 1 on 1 with Heal 'n Sole's owner to create a tailored plan for success. After a comprehensive brand and business discovery session, we developed a brand identity, optimized their website with a redesign and implemented online booking for better user experience and conversion rates. Our marketing, sales, and pricing consultancy provided clear direction to help Heal 'n Sole achieve their business goals.

The Results

Our business discovery session provided Heal 'n Sole with clear direction, resulting in an immediate improvement in weekly bookings. Branding and website redesign further boosted bookings, with the online booking system streamlining new sessions. By the end of the service their average weekly bookings increased from 8 to 15, and they now have an optimized website to take online bookings/payments, capture leads from paid advertising, and increased traffic.

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