University of Windsor

University of Windsor

University of Windsor

Education ✦ e-Learning

User Experience

Graphic Design


University of Windsor is a Post-Secondary Education Institution location in Windsor, Ontario Canada. They offer over 190 undergraduate and 65 graduate programs with 16k students actively studying.

Because of this, they rely heavily on online Learning Management Systems (LMS) to distribute content to students issue assignments & exams. We helped them optimize their LMS to align better with student needs.

  • Research & understand student needs

  • Develop a site plan to optimize student experience

  • Create integrations to further streamline user experience

The Problem

The main problem for University of Windsor was moving from their old LMS (Blackboard) to a brand new LMS (Brightspace D2L) seamlessly so that students don't have to face any difficulties getting used to the new enviorment. They also wanted to ensure that their is a balance between the needs of Instructors and needs of Students so both sides are able to use the system with ease.

The Solution

After our initial meeting, we conducted research to identify the parts of the LMS that students and professors interact with the most. Based on the overlaps and priorities, we designed the LMS structure, and added a customized banner and an FAQ integration to improve the user experience. This seamless transition incorporated the university branding and simplified access to commonly asked questions.

The Results

Once the service was completed, University of Windsor adopted the new LMS built with a student-first approach and user-friendly interface for instructors. Its FAQ integration was well-received by both instructors and students, making daily use easy. The university received positive feedback from both groups after using the system for a semester, and as a result, fully transitioned to Brightspace for a better learning experience.

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Lets Enjoy a cup of COFFEE
Shall we?

Lets Enjoy a cup of COFFEE




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